Hi Everyone,
Summer is officially here!! I am excited for the garden harvests to come :)
Food CHI held its annual General Meeting on May 25 and here are the highlights:
Financials. The annual Financial Report for 2021 was presented and approved by the members. This year our financials were adjusted to reflect the capital assets which now belong to the Sunriver Community Gardens Society. Food CHI is still the licensed occupant of the Community Orchard and we plan to support the Orchard going-forward. A copy of this report and past reports are available on our About Us page.
2021 Community Events and Fundraisers. Seedy Saturday was cancelled in 2021 due to limitations on public gatherings. Apple Festival 2021 went ahead and was a great success despite the wet weather. The Pie Auction, Apple Sales, and Plant Patch were great fundraisers - net raised funds were allocated to support the Community Orchard. The vendors marketplace and Pizza food truck were also a hit.
Stay tuned for Apple Fest 2022 (let us know if you would like to volunteer)
2021 Projects. Many Food CHI projects moved forward: FED program / Sooke Backyard Gardens supported Families in the Sooke Region, Sooke Farming Guide Update began - this guide formerly known as So you want to farm in Sooke? is undergoing a refresh, Regional Food & Agriculture Task Force - the Foodland Service is moving forward through Regional District approvals/committees, New Website - the decade-old FoodCHI site was retired and a new one which as up-to-date features was launched (Find Local Food pages, Farmer Forum). Community Orchard - a dedicated team of volunteers look after the orchard.
If you have ideas for projects Food CHI could be involved with please let us know by emailing info@sookefoodchi.ca
Board of Directors Elections. At the AGM, the board for the next reporting year is elected. Three members decided to depart from the Board: Anita Wasuita (now past-President), Ashley Currie and Martin Bissig (both formerly Board members at large). 2021/22 Board members staying on for the 2022/23 season: Gerard LeBlanc*, Ellen Lewers (Vice-president), Jessica Prieto (Treasurer), Bradley Hedberg (President), Robin Zabloski*, Stephen Hindrichs*. New Board member: Nick Dickinson-Wilde (Secretary) joins the Food CHI leadership. Thank-you Nick. *Board Member at large. Food CHI can't even begin to express our deep gratitude for the contributions made by our Past-President Anita. We will do our best to move Food CHI forward to strengthen our region's food-systems. Thank-you Anita!!!!!
Do you have something to contribute to the Board of Directors? Please email president@sookefoodchi.ca to express you interest.
Stay in-touch with us
Please feel free to be in touch with us with your ideas and thoughts about Food Security, Farming, and Community Agriculture in the Sooke Region. info@sookefoodchi.ca